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My Pantry Packers Fundraising Page
Mikah Abraham
Two weeks after my batmitzvah we are going to be going to Israel as a family. One of the things we are going to be doing is going to Pantry Packers to help put together food boxes for the hungry families that need it. Together with my parents, sisters and grandparents - we will physically do the packing ourselves. In honour of my batmitzvah and knowing how lucky I am - I would also like to make a donation of $613. There is absolutely no pressure, but if you would like to donate I think this is a very worth cause.
Just so you know, your generous gift is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Israel. Please select a currency that will reflect where your tax receipt will come from.לתרום בשקלים נא לבחור "ILS ₪"תרומות בשקלים-חדשים ייגבו ע”י עמותת “אשל ירושלים”.לאשל ירושלים אישור מס הכנסה לעניין תרומות, לפי סעיף 46 לפקודה.
Just so you know, your generous gift is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Israel. Please select a currency that will reflect where your tax receipt will come from.לתרום בשקלים נא לבחור "ILS ₪"תרומות בשקלים-חדשים ייגבו ע”י עמותת “אשל ירושלים”.לאשל ירושלים אישור מס הכנסה לעניין תרומות, לפי סעיף 46 לפקודה.