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My Pantry Packers Bas Mitzvah Fundraising Page
Ilana Goldberg
I was looking for a mitzvah project to commemorate my becoming a bas mitzvah. I tried to think about what is important to me. I know that in Covid, things got even worse for people who were already struggling to put food on the table for their families. Having enough food is not something I have to worry about B"H. It's so hard for me to imagine going REALLY hungry and it's really surprising to me that there are so many people still living with this challenge.
Please help me support Pantry Packers by making a contribution to my fundraiser and sharing this page with your family and friends. Every dollar I raise will advance Pantry Packers. Additionally, you can ask me how you can get involved too.
Together, we can make a difference!
Tizku L'mitzvos,
Ilana Goldberg
Additional Details:
Your generous gift is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Israel. Please select a currency that will reflect where your tax receipt will come from.לתרום בשקלים נא לבחור "ILS ₪"תרומות בשקלים-חדשים ייגבו ע”י עמותת “אשל ירושלים”.לאשל ירושלים אישור מס הכנסה לעניין תרומות, לפי סעיף 46 לפקודה.
Please help me support Pantry Packers by making a contribution to my fundraiser and sharing this page with your family and friends. Every dollar I raise will advance Pantry Packers. Additionally, you can ask me how you can get involved too.
Together, we can make a difference!
Tizku L'mitzvos,
Ilana Goldberg
Additional Details:
Your generous gift is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Israel. Please select a currency that will reflect where your tax receipt will come from.לתרום בשקלים נא לבחור "ILS ₪"תרומות בשקלים-חדשים ייגבו ע”י עמותת “אשל ירושלים”.לאשל ירושלים אישור מס הכנסה לעניין תרומות, לפי סעיף 46 לפקודה.