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Food Cards for needy mothers to buy Formula

Geraldine & Jeremie Cohen
Do you know what the most shoplifted item is out of supermarkets in Israel? It's a sad reality. Starting next week, Colel Chabad, in partnership with Israel's Social Welfare Department (dollar for dollar match), is launching a new program for these young mothers.

We want to raise $72,000 to bring the baby formula to 200 babies for a whole year.

Each card is worth 200 Shekel a month ($60) to be used only for baby formula; the Israeli government has agreed to pay half if we can raise the other half. ... So, 360 dollars can make the whole difference for a baby... that is a dollar a day.

Together, we can make a difference!

Your generous gift is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Israel. Please select a currency that will reflect where your tax receipt will come from.​לתרום בשקלים נא לבחור ​"ILS ₪"תרומות בשקלים-חדשים ייגבו ע”י עמותת “אשל ירושלים”.לאשל ירושלים אישור מס הכנסה לעניין תרומות, לפי סעיף 46 לפקודה.

Picture of the Card


raised of $72,000 goal

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